Stepping Into Their Shoes: Why I'm Walking This Month

Here is the story, as simple as I can tell it. For years now, I have been made more and more aware of how prevalent sex trafficking is in our country. I live very close to what is a hub of this industry: Milwaukee. Crazy, right? If you walk along the Lakefront, it's difficult to believe that such a beautiful place is the home of such a destructive thing, but it is. Here's a link if you want more information.

I've wanted to do something about this for a long time, and have felt unable to because of Lyme disease. In the past couple of months, though, I have been amazed by a renewed sense of energy. For a few weeks now, I have woken up often before the sun, something that has not happened for a long time. I finally have the strength to do something, however small, about this problem.

For the entire month of October, I will be walking 50, 000 steps a week to raise money for women coming out of trafficking and addiction. This fundraiser was set up by Songs Against Slavery, and Thistle Farms, which is an organization that helps rehabilitate and encourage these women as they build new lives for themselves.

So far, it's been quite an experience. Sometimes walking that much makes me a little tired, but then I think about all of these women who are being forced to walk the streets, and I want to walk more. I am really excited to be a part of this, and will be posting updates and information throughout this month. My goal is to raise $750, which will help at least four women get started with the program. I hope you will consider joining me, whether that's through donating, taking a walk with me, or sending me a message of encouragement. (Personalized playlists are also welcome) As an added incentive, I am also doing creative things for people who donate, such as writing a poem, performing a short piece on the piano, etc. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be out walking.

Donations accepted here:


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