Health Update: Up and Down

Hey friends! Here is another quick update on all things Lyme and Gu in my life.

It's been six weeks since Nichole told me I had Gu Syndrome. The first few weeks after that were hard. I started off too strong with the Gu treatment, taking one pill a day. This resulted in one of the worst days/weeks I have had a long time. I had difficult sleeping, intense brain fog, and a lot of aching in my joints. I now know the following: Serpent Pearls are for every other day, no more, no less.

February came, and the headlines read: GIRL DIES FROM WORST HEAD COLD EVER. Not really, but it was pretty awful. I did think my nose might explode from the pressure a few times. Also, I never thought that using a Netti Pot could be so horrific. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say my morning rinses would have been an excellent setting for a scene from Ridley Scott's Alien films.

I am currently teaching 39 piano students and also working as a nanny/tutor in the mornings. This has been a huge blessing, but also a bit exhausting as I work six days a week, and only have one full day away from work to rest. Add to this the fact that I have been experiencing some insomnia again, and you might understand why I'm tired all the time. Most of my weekends have been spent resting around the house because detoxing from Gu detox wears my body down. A lot of it has felt like my detoxing from Lyme, just condensed into a few weeks rather than a couple of months.

Everything still feels very up and down. It's hard for me to think of a week when I have felt okay for more than a couple of days. I generally feel run down or sick in some form regardless of how much sleep I am trying to put into my body. I am pressing on, and my doctor is encouraged by my progress. I keep thinking about where I was a few months ago, and I know I've made strides towards health, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Here's to less ups and downs.


  1. tough times for you dear Rachel. Hang in there. God hasn't changed nor has His incredible love for you, even though it may feel distant at times. You are an amazing young woman, full of God's love, so many gifts and abilities, so much character and courage. I pray God's grace and strength will meet you in your difficulty. Love to you, Kim


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