Health Update: Up and Down
Hey friends! Here is another quick update on all things Lyme and Gu in my life. It's been six weeks since Nichole told me I had Gu Syndrome. The first few weeks after that were hard. I started off too strong with the Gu treatment, taking one pill a day. This resulted in one of the worst days/weeks I have had a long time. I had difficult sleeping, intense brain fog, and a lot of aching in my joints. I now know the following: Serpent Pearls are for every other day, no more, no less. February came, and the headlines read: GIRL DIES FROM WORST HEAD COLD EVER. Not really, but it was pretty awful. I did think my nose might explode from the pressure a few times. Also, I never thought that using a Netti Pot could be so horrific. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say my morning rinses would have been an excellent setting for a scene from Ridley Scott's Alien films. I am currently teaching 39 piano students and also working as a nanny/tutor in the mornings. This ha...