Where I've Been

        For all of you who were wondering what happened to me this summer, here it is.

In March (which honestly feels like a lifetime ago), I was recruited to work for a publishing company called Southwestern. The internship itself has been around since the 1870s and is the number two internship in the U.S. (the number one internship is really a law firm, so it doesn't count) I could give all sorts of names for what I did, and try to make it sound really fancy and intriguing. In essence, the company hires college students to sell their books door to door throughout the United States. So, for thirteen weeks, I sold books door to door in Wisconsin.

What is it like to live an entire life in thirteen weeks? That is how it felt. Everyday was filled to the brim with laughter, tears, anger, joy, slammed doors, opened doors, kind moms, jerk moms, funny dads, cruel dads, adorable children, bratty children, etc. I met generous people, I met selfish people. I met people who I hoped someday never to become, and then I met others who inspired me to be someone better.

The bookfield is like being in a war. Every part of you has to be focused or you will go crazy. That is why I deleted my Facebook account for the summer, and why, when I dropped my phone in a creek and had to get a new one, I didn't send out my new number to anyone. So, to all my friends who heard nothing from me this summer, I'm sorry. And yes, I missed you all like crazy.

I will say that more than anything else this summer helped me trust God more. Six days a week for thirteen weeks I was out there, alone, either walking or biking, watching God provide encouragement and the money I needed for school. Every day I felt God saying to me, "Do you see how much I love you, Rachel? Do you see how much I care about even the smallest needs and desires?" I count this summer among the most incredible of my life thus far because I learned so much about God and about His love for me.

And now, the school year will begin. My professors all look lovely in comparison to some of the moms I had to face this summer. To anyone thinking school assignments are hard I say, "Try selling educational materials to people for thirteen weeks and then come tell me what's hard."

That's me. That's where I've been, and where I'm heading. The best part is that my best friend is always going to be around to provide for, shelter, and encourage me. Oh, and go on walks with me. Regardless of what I do in life, God and I still go on walks. In fact, I think it's time for one right now. See y'all around!


  1. Great post, Rachel! I look forward to hearing more about your summer.

    Blessings and smiles,


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