Thanksgiving Break

Original plan for the evening: Buy food with Nette at some fast food place, practice piano, do homework, and be in bed before midnight.
How the evening actually turned out: Nette and I were on our way to said fast food place when we took a "slight detour." Of course, little unsuspecting me did not suspect anything when we headed for the basement instead of the parking lot. That must be why I screamed so loudly when a bunch of my friends jumped out and yelled "Surprise!". It was one of the most incredible surprise birthday parties ever, complete with blueberries, cake (still warm!), brigadeiro frosting, and chai. So much for practicing. Thank you to Danny, Sophie, Lisa, Nette, and Jonathan for making it such a great party.

Ah, sweet sleep. Nette and I both ate cake for breakfast. Then, it was off to Nette's house to be attacked (in the most affectionate way possible) by her siblings and pets. Nette, Missy, and I stayed up late to bring in my birthday. Missy made a game of asking me questions like, "If you had to choose between being blind and deaf, which would you choose?" or "What kind of man do you think you will marry? How many kids will the two of you have?" I would always choose being blind over being deaf. Sight doesn't matter as much as sound. As for getting married, I am really not wanting to think about that or any serious relationship right now. I don't know anyone I'd be interested in dating, and even if I did, I don't think I'm ready for that kind of relationship. I'm sure God will let me know when I am.

More sleep. More food. More cake. More well wishing. Nette's family hung up streamers in the kitchen for my birthday. I worked on my paper for Old Testament, and tried to rest up for the Black Friday shopping trip.
Highlight of the day: I was sung to in three different languages: English, Korean, and Portuguese.
Funny/depressing moment of the day: I had to call my little sister so that she could say Happy Birthday to me. Then I had to call her two more times because the line kept dropping. After the third time, I gave up and literally said, "I hate you" to my phone and the Pingo woman.

Drove to Kohls' in Fayetville for Black Friday Shopping. Definitley an interesting experience, but I really don't recommend doing it if you're sleep deprived and sick. I got a lovely white cardigan out of it, and some good memories, but I don't think I ever want to do it again. I was so sick and tired that the girls took me back to Nette's house, while they went back out to do more shopping. I slept for half the day, waking to the feeling of sunlight on my eyelids. I snacked on Thanksgiving leftovers, and tried to work on my Old Testament paper. My phone stayed off, so that the world outside my pounding head and stuffed up nose would not be able to bother me. That night, I slept peacefully. The fan above me made a droning sound that reminded of somewhere far away where I used to lie in a rickety bunk bed listening to an AC hum.

The sound of rain is one that never ceases to make me want to stay in bed. I took advantage of the moment and did exactly that. Later, Nette and I drove back to JBU and I settled in for an afternoon and evening of homework and music listening. Midway through the afternoon, I heard the gentle ringtone that told me Roz was calling me. I picked up the phone, and a few seconds later was listening to the familiar sounds of my PQQ friends making dinner. I had them pass me from girl to girl, listening to each one tell me what she was doing in life, and laughing whenever they stopped talking to yell out a dinner instruction.
        "Yeah, Rach, I really miss you and I hope- Lynae, the salt is in the cabinet. No, no the other one- I really miss you and I hope everything's going well. Do you have a lot of- No, the sauce is supposed to stay on longer. Leave it!- Do you have a lot of cool classes, Rach?"
         We talked until Roz's phone died. I went back to homework and music listening, this time with a smile on my face. An incredible discovery was made that evening: The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. They do so many of my most favorite Vivaldi pieces that I am beginning to think they made some of albums with me in mind (okay, I realize this is a bit delusional). I fell asleep to the sound of a beautiful rainstorm (admittedly coming from my computer, not outside. You take what you can get when you're not in the tropics).

The greatest moment of the day was when I walked into the Cathedral to practice after five days of being gone. I played for hours, and it was sweet therapy for my soul. My Old Testament paper wasn't finished like I had wanted it to be, and my cold wasn't better like I had hoped it would be. I had a choice, though: be depressed and try to work on Mendelssohn, or be joyful despite everything I hadn't accomplished. I chose to be joyful. Mendelssohn had a hand in that. It's hard to be depressed when I am faced with such beauty and order. Now, to bed. Tomorrow, to school.


  1. :) Sounds like a wonderful weekend even if everything did not go as you had planned :)


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