Do You Wonder

We all have a scarlet letter
That we try to hide
We all have a secret sin
Buried deep inside
We wander aimlessly
Believing we're alone
We wear masks that smile
To hide our hearts of stone

Do you wonder...
Is there anything pure?
Is there anything holy?
Is there anything good
Left anymore?
Will we forever be standing here
Straining to see another shore?
Do you wonder?
I do.

I cry until I cannot breathe
Beat the walls with these fists.
Take well planned shots at life
But still, I always miss.
Dark sorrow remains.
People die across the sea,
While I sit here weeping,
Weeping over me.

Do you wonder...
Is there anything pure?
Is there anything holy?
Is there anything good
Left anymore?
Will we forever be standing here
Straining to see another shore?
Do you wonder?
I do.

A carpenter came to my shore
He made my scarlet letter his own
And bore my secret sins.
Said, "You'll never be alone."
He tore away my mask
Wiped all the tears away
Pounded at my stony heart
And found a bit of clay.

I have found...
One who is pure. 
One who is holy. 
One who is good and
True forevermore. 
He has carried me away from the darkness, 
Away to another shore. 
Now I kneel at His feet
In wonder. 


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