15 Books I Like

*Note- The books on this list are not listed in order of importance. Also, if you read any of these books, do not like them, and want to have an argument (ahem) discussion about it, by all means let me know. I will willingly argue (ahem) discuss the merits of any of these books.

1) Goose Girl by Shannon Hale- I have read a lot of fairy tale "rewrites", but this one is definitely one of the best in the genre. Every person I have ever given it to loved it (except for my Mom, who doesn't really like fantasy)

2) The Pianist- I like this because it is true, and very sad to read. 

3) On Writing Well by William Zinsser- If it is possible to be in love with a "how to" book, I am in love with this one.

4) A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini- I like this book because it shows beauty and perseverance in the midst of adversity.

5) The Chosen by Chaim Potok- Nothing really happens in this book, and yet so much happens. Potok is a master at creating tension.

6) The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass- Douglass taught me that one great soliloquy on freedom is more than enough to make a point. I highly recommend this book. 

7) The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis- A very different kind of book, but Jack never was very predictable, was he? Every time I read one of his books I think, "All right, I'm here. Teach me something." He always does.

8) Passions and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot- I have read this book three times. I still want to read it again. 

9) Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card-This is one of the best science fiction books ever written.

10) Persuasion by Jane Austen- Anne Elliot is a heroine forgotten by her family, but never forgotten by the reader. 

11) The Tower of Geburah by John White- This the third in a series of a six. I read it at least three times in junior high. It greatly affected the way I think about Jesus. (The first four books in this series are the best. After that, they go downhill, so while it might be all right to read number five, do not bother reading number six because it was an epic disappointment).

12) The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings- Everything about this book is superb, from the characters and dialogue, to the settings and situations they inhabit. If you have not read it, read it now!

13) Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris- This book helped change my life in a good way, so it's hard to keep from liking it. It is very inspiring to read a book by two young men who are dedicated to pursuing excellence in all aspects of their lives.

14) Bring Me A Unicorn by Anne Morrow Lindbergh-  Anne Morrow was the wife of Charles Lindbergh, and this book is a collection of her journal entries written throughout their courtship. No romantic novel could ever compare to this because this is real. The real things in life are always better than their dreamed up counterparts, are they not? 

15) Same Kind of Different As Me by Denver Moore and Ron Hall- Another true story that no novel could hope to compare to. The shocking thing about reading it was that it moved me in so many different and inexplicable ways.

In the words of Brian Regan, "I am a learner. I want to learn things!" So, if you have any books to recommend to me that are not on this list, please feel free to comment.


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