Health Update: Gu Syndrome
This is a quick update for anyone interested in my Lyme journey. The past couple of months have been up and down physically. I had a pretty bad bout of bronchitis back in December, and was very unmotivated to do much but rest. Thankfully I was able to do a lot of that and only had to show up for piano lessons in the evenings. Yesterday I went to see my doctor and while there is still a lot going on in my body, we were both pleased by the fact that I was able to fight off the bronchitis with a minimum of antibiotics. A year ago, I would not have been able to do that. When she read for Lyme with the bio meridian machine, it wasn't as strong as it has been the past few times, which was also super encouraging. We decided to take a break from the tinctures I've been taking for that in order to focus on a new, exciting thing we found in my body: Gu Syndrome. Side note: try saying Gu Syndrome, pronounced "Goo Syndrome." It's fun. I only just found out about this sy...