Snippets: Camels
Jungle It is Creative Expression day, which is the fancy term for art class. I am excited because today we are only drawing and coloring, not trying to make bi-planes, origami, or even- heaven help us -clay figurines. No, today will be the easiest of assignments: drawing and coloring a desert caravan. I quickly load pictures of camels when I come in, and even show the kids photos of the desert so they understand the setting. Then, I find a video of camels making funny gargling and groaning noises. Suddenly, as I'm loading the video, the unthinkable happens. Bella begins crying. There are different types of crying in children. There's the short, hiccuping sobs accompanied by a couple of tears. There's pretend crying which fools some people (particularly guys who don't know how to handle any type of crying) and there's also "I-want-my-mommy-I-just-peed-my-pants" crying. What Bella is doing can only be described as explosive crying. It comes out of nowhe...