I Do Not Understand
We are studying the Contemplative Tradition in Integrated Theology. The discussion of what it means to contemplate begins, and continues in a meandering flow of vague thoughts and confusing answers. None of us can come up with why we should do it, or even what why the writer of our reading thinks we should do it, other than the notion that it will "help us meet with God." This of course sparks more confusion about what it means to have met with God. How can we even know if we have? The questions are tossed out, and although attempts at answers are made, no one is making any progress. My pen stays still. Vila and Reith contribute their own thoughts sparingly, allowing us to wrestle with our own frustration about the tradition's vagueness. (I don't know if professors expect us to call them by their proper titles in our thoughts, but I never do. It's too formal). After a while, Reith tells us, "We are going to do the Contemplative Tradition right now." H...