My Little Adventure
After dinner I decided I wanted to take a walk, so I did. I walked down the Mayfield stairs to the basement and went out the back door, humming a hymn to myself. Instead of taking the road, which would have been too easy, I walked down the trail behind Mayfield. Hard rocks ground in my feet, and I had to watch my step to be sure I didn't step on any really sharp ones. The trail led downhill to the baseball diamond. I carried my chinelos in one hand and let myself walk very slowly, savoring the feeling of thick green grass against my bare feet. I have discovered that a great way to feel at home is to get my feet really dirty. I crisscrossed through the grass by the intramural fields and ventured into a patch of sweet smelling white flowers. The act of plucking them off their stems in bunches and burying my nose in them brought back beautiful memories of flowers at home. I gathered a bulky bouquet and kept walking. When I reached the rugby fields, I turned my head so...